Special Offers

English Courses at Galway Cultural Institute

Explore our English courses

General English Afternoon 

We offer a discounted price for all General English courses booked for the afternoon timetable. By choosing to study in the afternoon, you save 20% on the regular morning prices turning the GE PM courses into a more affordable option. Same facilities, same teachers, same classrooms, same SMART technology. You can relax and sleep in!

General English PM 20 lessonsTimetable 
All Year Around
(subject to availability) 

€200 / week

Mon - Fri 13.30 - 16.45 

Study Abroad Year Special Offer 

The SAY programme is specifically designed for students outside the EEA who wish to develop their skills and fluency in English and enjoy a unique experience of living and studying in Galway. SAY programme consists of 25 weeks tuition and 8 weeks holidays and it gives students the opportunity to work part-time while studying.

Work & Study Programme for Non-EEA Students

Price for 25 weeksTimetable

(20 lessons / week)
€3,57509.00 - 12.30

(20 lessons / week)
€2,97513.30 - 16.45
25 weeks tuition + 8 weeks holidays

20 lessons /week of Intensive General English + Exam Preparation (can be Cambridge or IELTS) 

SAY is suitable for any level & attendance is obligatory but failure to have 85% attendance may result in your visa being withdrawn

Students are allowed to work part-time(20 hrs/week) while studying

Students are allowed to work full time(40 hrs/week) during the holidays in July, August, December

Timetable is subject to change depending on availability

Reductions in the number of lessons of a chosen course or change one course for another etc. do not apply

Books & materials, registration fee, etc. are not included in the price

Read more about the Study Abroad Programme here.
